Top Marketing and Fundraising Trends for Nonprofits in 2022

Top Marketing and Fundraising Trends for Nonprofits in 2022

Top Marketing and Fundraising Trends for Nonprofits in 2022

 From crypto and the introduction of the Metaverse to the ever-growing popularity of cause marketing, there are a lot of changes on the horizon for nonprofit marketing and fundraising in 2022.

 Due to the pandemic, we now live in a world where technology rules more than it ever did. But, it’s more than just computers and smartphones. Blockchain technology, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and virtual reality are some of the emerging technologies that have been making their way into our lives over the past year. In 2022, these new innovations will continue to impact fundraising trends for nonprofits in a big way.

 With so many significant changes already happening and coming up, nonprofits need to be ready. To market and fundraise effectively in 2022, nonprofits must embrace the latest technology to help them reach a wider audience while also increasing their fundraising efforts.

 This article will explore the top fundraising trends for nonprofits in 2022, along with offering insight into how organizations can integrate technology to help them create impact.

The Emergence of Crypto and the Metaverse

2022 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends Crypto and Metaverse

2022 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends: Crypto and Metaverse

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, created in 2009.

The past year has seen a rise in popularity for cryptocurrencies, thanks in part to blockchain technology. Blockchain is a digital ledger where transactions are recorded chronologically and publicly. It’s decentralized, meaning it does not require a central administrator to function correctly. Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but can be used for much more than fundraising donations.

Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity over the past year due to their ability to allow users anonymity when purchasing goods and services. When people donate to nonprofits, they might not want their identity revealed and therefore choose to use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin for fundraising purposes.

Cryptocurrencies can also be used in fundraising efforts by creating a unique wallet address where donors can send the money directly without any fees attached. This is different from traditional fundraising methods requiring third-party platforms (like PayPal) to collect and process donations.

In 2022, the use of cryptocurrencies for fundraising will continue to grow as more people become aware of this new way to donate. As a result, nonprofits should consider accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a method of donation in order to tap into this growing market.

The Metaverse

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2022 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends_Metaverse

In addition to the rise of cryptocurrencies, 2022 will also see the birth of a new virtual world known as the Metaverse. The Metaverse is a digital universe made up of three dimensions: virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR).

Simply defined, the Metaverse is the next step in consumer internet – a vast network of 3D communal cyberspaces that may be visited by an infinite number of people from various perspectives. The goal is to allow consumers to be ‘present’ with others in digital spaces and push the limits of interactivity via the use of avatars.

This new form of the interconnected internet world is more than just a passing fad – it’s the future of the internet as we know it. The tech industry giants are all moving towards Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality applications, and Facebook recently announced that it will be rebranding to reflect its focus on creating the Metaverse. This development has been hailed as a major step forward for the future of fundraising because it will give nonprofits an opportunity to reach out to millions of new donors.

The most common problem for any charity campaign is the inability to elicit an emotional response and establish a personal connection with a cause that would encourage people to give. Videos and photographs are helpful, but the ability of individuals to sort through and recall everything from the constantly increasing amount of visual stimuli they encounter every day is becoming increasingly difficult.

Imagine being able to guide someone through a natural disaster area or view the world through the eyes of a person with degenerative sight loss. Would individuals be more inclined to give if they donned the shoes of those in need and utilized the power of VR and AR?

Consumers want to feel a personal connection with their information - they desire to live it, feel it, and engage in something real and spontaneous. By 2022, people could be spending more time in this digital world than they do on their mobile devices – making it essential that nonprofits start preparing now for fundraising opportunities within virtual reality.

We would like to forewarn nonprofits that fundraising in the Metaverse is a long-term plan, and it might take a few years before we see significant fundraising efforts taking place there. However, we believe that 2022 will see an introduction of people visiting this digital world for social interactions, as well as fundraisers and donation drives.

2022 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends_Crowdfunding

2022 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends_Crowdfunding

Traditional Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaigns

Although fundraising in the Metaverse and crypto will be on the rise, traditional techniques like peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns will still be popular in 2022. In fact, they are becoming more and more sophisticated as time goes on.

There are now a variety of platforms that nonprofits can use to launch their peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, including GoFundMe, Classy, Facebook, and Tiltify. Nonprofits should consider using peer-to-peer fundraising as a way to raise more money because it allows them to tap into a new pool of supporters.  

In the future, we predict that peer-to-peer fundraising will become even more effective as people continue to embrace it and seek out new ways of finding innovative fundraising opportunities online.

Join TikTok Trends

 It’s clear that fundraising has become easier and more accessible in the digital age thanks to online fundraising platforms that allow people to launch fundraising campaigns from their phones, tablets, or computers. However, we believe that despite its convenience and accessibility for donors who want to give, online fundraising platforms may start to lose market share to social media platforms like TikTok.

 TikTok is a relatively new app that was created in 2016 and by Chinese tech giant ByteDance in 2018. It is a short-form video-sharing app where users can create and share videos of themselves (known as “tapes”) up to 15 seconds in length (sometimes longer).

What makes TikTok so popular is that it is highly engaging and addictive – users can watch hours of tapes without getting bored. It also has a very young demographic, with the majority of its users being aged 16-24. Because of this, nonprofits have an opportunity to use TikTok as a fundraising tool by creating fundraising tapes that are likely to go viral and engage with this demographic.

Adopt Hybrid Events

 One trend that is likely to continue in 2022 is the adoption of hybrid events by nonprofits. A hybrid event is one that combines online and offline fundraising methods, such as a digital donation drive combined with an in-person fundraising event.

Nonprofits have been increasingly using hybrid events as a way to raise more money because they are very effective in terms of fundraising efficiency. They help nonprofits leverage their fundraising efforts by using several fundraising channels simultaneously.

For example, you could combine a digital donation drive with an in-person fundraising event similar to how many events are held during annual fundraising campaigns that rely on revenue from ticket sales and sponsorships.

Keep Using Email Marketing

2022 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends_Email Marketing

2022 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends_Email Marketing

While hybrid fundraising events are becoming increasingly popular, fundraising through email marketing is still being practiced by many nonprofits. In fact, it has become more relevant than ever thanks to the increasing number of smartphone users who constantly check their email accounts throughout the day.

An important tip for marketers looking to use email fundraising as a tool in 2022 is that they should focus on segmenting their email lists in order to target specific donors with fundraising appeals that are relevant to them. Another thing to keep in mind is that the use of images and videos in fundraising emails can be very effective in grabbing people’s attention and persuading them to donate.


In 2022, the nonprofit sector will be more competitive than ever. To stay afloat in this environment, organizations must have a strong marketing strategy and fundraising plan to compete with for-profit companies as well as other nonprofits.

At Market Me Consulting, we can help you develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that includes influential digital marketing trends. If you’re not sure how to start developing your own online presence or what types of content work best on these sites, we’ll provide some insight into the latest nonprofit marketing trends, so you don’t waste time posting irrelevant information.

Our team of experts is also available to advise on any questions related to effective donor communications--from email campaigns and newsletters through direct mailings and telemarketing services.

Contact us today if you’re looking for fundraising and marketing advice that will help you reach your target audiences in 2022 and beyond.

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