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Last Minute Giving Tuesday Tips

As the Giving Tuesday countdown begins, nonprofit organizations are gearing up to inspire generosity and make a positive impact. But what if your campaign isn't as prepared as you'd hoped? Don't fret! It's not too late to boost your fundraising efforts and make the most of this global day of giving.

In this blog post, we've gathered a collection of last-minute tips to help your nonprofit shine on Giving Tuesday. From crafting a compelling story to leveraging the power of social media, these strategies can help you connect with supporters and drive donations. Read on to discover how you can make the most of this day and continue to make a difference in the lives of those you serve.

How to Get Reporters to Cover Your Brand: Proven Strategies

In the fast-paced world of business and branding, achieving media coverage can be the game-changer your brand needs. It's not just about making headlines; it's about building recognition, credibility, and trust. We recently had the privilege of attending a panel at DC Start Up Week, where a group of seasoned reporters shared valuable insights on how to get your brand noticed. While the context was centered around startups, these tips are incredibly versatile and can be applied to nonprofits, government agencies, or any brand looking to make a meaningful impact. Read more to learn the five key takeaways that will set you on the path to earning that media spotlight.

Top Marketing Trends for 2023

Trends come and go but your success doesn’t have to follow this pattern. Stay up to date on the newest trends that are ever changing. Never hold yourself down to your tried and true. You may be doing exactly that, holding yourself down. Digital marketing can open up so many avenues that you never thought would even be within your reach. Allow yourself to develop a diverse audience and engage a new set of minds. Grow beyond your comfort zone and start 2023 with bang.

Preparing your Nonprofit Year-End Giving Campaign

It’s time to start planning your Year-End fundraising! Most nonprofits make 40% of their yearly revenue within the last 6 weeks of the year. Supporters are motivated by the holiday-giving spirit and take advantage of the opportunity to submit tax-deductible gifts. So it’s important to start thinking about how you can maximize your fundraisers and year-end giving opportunities.

TikTok for Nonprofits

At first TikTok was flooded with teens creating dance videos and music-focused material, until companies realized the speed in which content could go viral and wanted a piece of the action. Companies and influencers of all types are now using TikTok to gain traction, advertise, disseminate information, and raise funds for their causes.

Content Strategy for Nonprofits

Content marketing is often associated with for-profit businesses, but non-profit and non-governmental organizations rely heavily on content marketing too. Although not selling anything, they have a mission for raising funds and need to be discoverable to support their organization’s goals.

Marketing Tips for Nonprofits

To have successful nonprofit marketing involves way more than having every pair of eyes on your campaigns or fundraising initiatives. It means grabbing people's attention. You want people who feel passionate and ready to take action for your cause - the kind that shares your vision, values, and beliefs. Refining your direction is better for your organization in the long run, rather than throwing information out to everyone and anyone, with the hope that your message resonates.

This article will dive into 3 nonprofit marketing tips to help you create your marketing plan. We will cover how to determine your audience, how to define your marketing goals and how to recognize what your key message is.

Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Your Nonprofit

Due to the continuing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, many nonprofits have been forced to cancel their events. However, many organizations pivoted and turned their in-person events into virtual fundraisers. We’ve put together some examples of virtual fundraising events as well as some tips on how to get started. Use these tips and examples to inspire your own virtual event.

Last Minute Year-End Fundraising Tips

The end of the year is a great time to help your nonprofit meet its financial goals. Nearly 1/3rd of total giving occurs in the month of December. Moreover, 12% of all giving occurs in the last 3 days of the year. This is why the end of the year is such a critical time for most nonprofits. Here are some year-end fundraising tips to assist you in a successful giving season.

8 Tips for Your Giving Tuesday Campaign

Giving Tuesday is a global movement to create an international day of charitable giving. It was started in 2012 and has grown into a global movement that has inspired millions of people. Last year, donors gave nearly $2 billion dollars on Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday takes place on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and it helps kick off the charitable giving season – a time where many nonprofits raise 30% - 40% of their total annual giving. This year, Giving Tuesday falls on December 1st 2020. Here are 8 tips to help make your Giving Tuesday campaign a success!

Tips to Using Google Ad Grants: Free Advertising for Nonprofits

When it comes to digital marketing tools, one of the most effective ones is Google Ads. And best of all, Google provides a free option for eligible nonprofits, in the form of Google Ad Grants. Google Ad Grants provides eligible nonprofits with $10,000 a month to promote their nonprofit – that is $120,000 a year in free advertising! Although Google launched Ad Grants in 2003, it is still unknown to many nonprofits. So far, over 100,000 nonprofits from 51 countries have already benefited but 100,000+ more nonprofits could benefit from Google Ads Grants but haven’t applied yet. If your nonprofit isn’t using Google Ads Grants, here are some of the key benefits and steps to get started.

5 Ways to Promote Facebook Birthday Fundraisers

Using Facebook fundraisers to raise money and awareness about your nonprofit is one of the most effective fundraising tools available. Over $2B has been raised for nonprofits and personal causes since launching in 2015. About half of those funds, $1B, have come from Facebook’s birthday fundraisers, which allow users to ask their family and friends to donate to the nonprofit they are supporting. If your nonprofit uses Facebook’s payment platform to process donations, then there are no fees involved - 100% of the donations go to your nonprofit. Here are 5 tips on how to promote Facebook birthday fundraisers and raise mission-critical funds for your nonprofit.